Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

The Gradient Algorithm

The gradient algorithm for the solution of pipe networks is formulated upon the full set of system equations that model both heads and flows. Since both continuity and energy are balanced and solved with each iteration, the method is theoretically guaranteed to deliver the same level of accuracy observed and expected in other well-known algorithms such as the Simultaneous Path Adjustment Method (Fowler) and the Linear Theory Method (Wood).

In addition, there are a number of other advantages that this method has over other algorithms for the solution of pipe network systems:

  • The method can directly solve both looped and partly branched networks. This gives it a computational advantage over some loop-based algorithms, such as Simultaneous Path, which require the reformulation of the network into equivalent looped networks or pseudo-loops.
  • Using the method avoids the post-computation step of loop and path definition, which adds significantly to the overhead of system computation.
  • The method is numerically stable when the system becomes disconnected by check valves, pressure regulating valves, or modeler’s error. The loop and path methods fail in these situations.
  • The structure of the generated system of equations allows the use of extremely fast and reliable sparse matrix solvers.

The derivation of the Gradient Algorithm starts with two matrices and ends as a working system of equations.